domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

Guess the idiom "When in Rome.... do as the Romans do" (5TH GRADE)

17 comentarios:

  1. Arturo garcía morote31 de marzo de 2014, 20:13

    This idiom means that when you are visiting a different place or culture, you should try to follow their customs and practices.
    in spanishEsta expresión significa que cuando va a visitar un lugar o cultura diferente, usted debe tratar de seguir sus costumbres y prácticas.

  2. a donde fueres haz lo que vieres the meaning if you go to elsewhere live as they do there

  3. This means respect the culture and the place where you go

  4. when you gou to Rome or oder places you have to respect the culture

  5. This means that whenyou go to a different place,do the same as them.

  6. this means that you have other culture you respec the culture where you live

  7. Blanca Delgado 5th7 de abril de 2014, 17:05

    Cuando vayas a Roma... haz lo que vieres.
    When you go to Rome respecting the culture and you do what the Romans.

  8. Sofika Lorente 5th grade B7 de abril de 2014, 17:46

    It is polite, and possibly also advantageous, to abide by the customs of a society when one is a visitor.
    I Google it
    "A donde fueres, haz lo que vieres"

  9. Natalia Pardo 5 th7 de abril de 2014, 18:58

    when you go to another place, you have to appreciate the place, because if you do this, when they go to our place, they appreciate, is like: te devuelvo el favor o el aprecio que has hecho tu.

  10. ElenaHernandez5th7 de abril de 2014, 19:04

    I means in english:´´When you go to a country that has a different culture respected.
    In spanish:Cuando vayas a un país , que tiene una cultura diferente respetarla.

  11. in english:when you visit an other place you have to respect he´s culture
    in spanish:cuando vas a otro sitio tienes que respetar su cultura

  12. when a important person dose something alsow if it is a stupid thing lots of people do the same because the think that if they do it they are aswell powerful or important

  13. Gonzalin Escribano 5B8 de abril de 2014, 14:56

    i think is when you go to another place you have to respect the culture of this country

  14. Diego Cámara Marco 5thA8 de abril de 2014, 17:25

    it means that when you are in some place you have to adapt to it culture, form to do the things...

  15. in spanish is te e devuelto el favor quehas echo

  16. Izan martinez 5th grade9 de abril de 2014, 18:00

    Cuando en Roma...hace lo que los romanos hacen

  17. Fernando Vera 5th grade10 de abril de 2014, 20:53

    This means that when you are in a diferent place you have to do the tings like people do
